Glycerin: The Personal Care Product Godsend
Posted by MH on Oct 19th 2021
When you take on the unique task of creating your own personal care products, you know just how important it is to have the more sublime materials and ingredients available. Your beauty products flourish with the combination of certain ingredients and, ultimately, as do you.
You already know some of the classics, if you’ve dabbled in creating your own personal care products previously: essential oils, cocoa butter, shea butter, Cocamidopropyl betaine, and much more.
If you know all of the above, then you certainly know about glycerin. When you buy glycerin and use it in your personal care products, the effects can be phenomenal. Let’s take a closer look at this ingredient, its common uses, and dos and don’ts for its application.
What is Glycerin?
Glycerin is a humectant that effectively draws in moisture from the air to any surface that it is applied to. This sugar alcohol is natural and is found in fats, whether they be in plants or animals. It is naturally found in our own skin, but it can be manufactured synthetically as well.
It is derived from vegetable oils, such as coconut, palm, and soy, that have been heated and put under pressure or when mixed with a strong alkali. And there you have it: glycerin. The ingredient is a clear syrup-like liquid that is odorless but also has a sweet taste (yes, it’s perfectly safe to eat!).
What is Glycerin Used for?
Glycerin is an extremely versatile ingredient that has been used since its accidental discovery in the late 1800s. It is used in antifreeze and even to heal wounds, as it is anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant.
Even the film industry has gotten its hands on the otherworldly product, as it has used the humectant in the creation of special effects. It’s also effectively utilized by the pharmaceutical industry, as it often appears in heart medications, anesthetics, and cough relievers.
There are a number of other places you can find glycerin as well: candles, frozen foods, suppositories, and even toothpaste (this is the secret to how the paste doesn’t stick to the inside of the tube and harden!).
However, while glycerin gets the job efficiently done in a number of uses, there is one application that reigns supreme above all others: personal care products.
What Does Glycerin Do in Personal Care Products?
Because of its unique properties, it is capable of drawing in moisture from the air to any surface to which it is applied (as mentioned above). This is an exceptional quality to have in many different personal care products for your skin and even hair!
Glycerin for Your Skin
You can easily use this material when making your skincare products. It is optimal for use in nearly any of these products, including by certainly not limited to makeup, soaps, deodorants, cleansers, body wash, sunscreen cream, shower gel, face masks, and moisturizers.
It may sound like this material would be less than ideal for those will oily skin, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. It moisturizes skin, but not overly. Plus, it actually works to reduce the oil in those with oily skin! It doesn’t clog your pores either, as it is non-comedogenic. Therefore, those with any skin type can and should buy glycerin to use in their skincare products!
Glycerin for Your Hair
This humectant is an excellent sidekick for your hair. Not only does it moisturize it, but it also helps in fixing damaged hair and reduce breakage. Have dandruff or an itchy scalp? Glycerin can help you with that, too, because it can eradicate dandruff while also providing you with a cooling sensation on the scalp.
Glycerin flourishes in leave-in conditioners especially, so be sure to add it in yours when making it!
The Side Effects
No product is without a caveat or two. There are some common side effects to the usage of glycerin. After being ingested, some people have experienced headaches, excessive thirst, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, gas, and diarrhea.
When consuming too much of this sugar alcohol, which cannot be fully absorbed by your body, you can have gastrointestinal issues.
Other Issues to Know
While glycerin obviously has a slew of advantages, there are some things you should consider and know before using it. One point is that, while it can be an exceptional hair product, it also isn’t ideal for those with color-treated hair, specifically for the first wash.
You should also be aware of the weather prior to using it. Because it draws moisture from the air, if it is excessively humid, your hair could even be frizzier than if you didn’t use it. On the other hand, if it is extremely dry, it actually might make your hair drier, as it can draw moisture from your hair.
While plant-based glycerin has numerous benefits, synthetic glycerin has disadvantages. The synthetic version of this product is made with epichlorohydrin, a toxic chemical that might even be a carcinogen. This can be extremely harmful, so be sure to buy glycerin with “Kosher certified,” “non-GMO,” and “USP Grade” labels.
Where Can I Buy Glycerin?
You can purchase our natural glycerin in different sizes: 16 ounces, 32 ounces, 1 gallon, and 4 gallons. You can also buy glycerin from us by the drum or tote! It all depends on you and your needs. Be sure to give us a call at 800-359-0944 with any questions you may have!