Pale Pressed Castor Oil Uses and where to buy
Posted by MH on Jul 29th 2019
Differences between Pale Pressed Castor oil and regular castor oil, its uses and where to buy
What is the difference pale pressed castor oil, and Castor oil #1? All castor oil is made by processing the beans of the castor plant, Ricinus Communis (Castor) Seed. However pale pressed castor oil is made only from the first pressing of castor seeds. Unlike cold-pressed oil, pale pressed oil is generally thinner, has lower acidity, and has a very slight, lighter odor characteristic of castor.
What is Pale Pressed Castor oil
Pale pressed castor oilis made only from the first pressing of castor seeds. Unlike cold-pressed oil, pale pressed oil is generally thinner, has lower acidity, and has a very slight, lighter odor characteristic of castor.
All of the castor oil we offer is of the very best quality, but the formulator and end user may see benefits of using this first pressing, called the pale pressed castor oil With the slightly lighter color the formulator may be able to make a product in a different color spectrum, or a more clear product which can be beneficial especially in skin and hair care products.
Additionally, pale pressed castor, the very first pressing of castor beans, since it may have less of an impurity and less color so it may be useful in creating more varied products. Since castor oil is also used in many other important products where a more clear color is critical like lubricating specialized machinery, making inks and uses in other specialized uses even production of high-resolution photo printing inks, uses in 3D printing, as well as equipment manufacturing and operation pale pressed castor oil can bring a distinct advantage.
Pale Pressed Castor oil is used all kinds of D-I-Y applications including making skin and hair care products, soap and when blending lotions, salves, creams, shampoos, and more. When a formulator needs a pale pressed castor oil we have it.
Soapmaking -Like our # 1 Premium Castor oil, pale pressed castor oil is also very useful. The addition of the right amount of pale pressed castor oil may enable soap to trace quicker, and make better soap, especially if you want a soap with better and more stable foamy lather.
Castor oil is an excellent moisturizer as it attracts and holds moisture to skin. Try the pale pressed castor oil in salves, balms, shampoos, hair oils, and other thick emulsions for the skin and hair. It is in all kinds of specialty formulations as a natural emollient and applied to the skin and hair as a softener.(keep away from eyes)